Moviereview Wiki

This is your user page. A user page is your own area to talk about yourself and to help us get to know you. Another page of yours is your talk page. That page is where you carry out discussions and talk to the other users on the wiki!

The italicized text is here as a guideline for what you may want on your user page. Delete anything you don't want to keep, an go wild adding stuff that you do. The point of a wiki is to collaborate to make the best work possible. Mistakes can all be fixed. Don't be afraid. Be bold!

Number 1: Introduce yourself. This is a paragraph about whatever you think would be necessary for us to know.

Quick Profile[]

Number 2:This is where most people have their personal and user intro. Apart from what character you may be representing, this is where to put facts about the user behind the character. We put a small list of things that are easy to answer. Don't fill in anything you don't want to.

Name: (real name if comfortable with sharing)
Age: (real age if comfortable with sharing)
Favorite past-time:
Favorite movie:
Favorite character:
Favorite website:
Favorite food:
Favorite dessert:
Identifying fact: Unique way that someone here would likely be able to identify you with. (other wiki accounts, web accounts, etc.)

My favorite pages[]

Number 3:Where you put the rest of the content. This covers the bulk of the page, and can have near everything on it.

  • Add links to your favorite pages on the wiki here!
  • Favorite page #1
  • Favorite page #2
  • Favorite page #3
  • Favorite page #4
  • Page that I'm most proud of
  • Make a new page
  • Forums
  • Chat
  • Help Pages

See ya around![]

Number 4:This is for any parting words, like "glad to help", "coming to a wiki near you", "you ain't seen nothing yet!", etc. Also a good place to let the community where you are going to help next.
